3 Plot data

For convenience, we first define a plot theme:

3.1 Define plot theme

min.absorb <- min(blanks$blank)
max.absorb <- max(standard$absorbance)
font.size <- 11
# Define theme for plotting
#' @param title.hjust horizontal alignment of plot title
#' @param legend_pos legend position
#' @return theme for ggplot
theme_plot <- function(
  title.hjust = 0, legend.pos = "right", legend.dir = "vertical") {
    axis.text = element_text(
      size = font.size,
      face = "bold"
    axis.title.x = element_text(
      size = font.size,
      hjust = 1
    axis.title.y = element_text(
      size = font.size,
      hjust = 0.9
    plot.title = element_text(
      size = font.size + 2,
      face = "bold",
      hjust = title.hjust
    plot.margin = rep(grid::unit(1, "cm"), 4),
    axis.line = element_blank(),
    legend.position = legend.pos,
    legend.direction = legend.dir,
    legend.text = element_text(size = font.size),
    legend.title = element_text(size = font.size)
  ) +
      major = "yx",
      minor = "",
      colour.major = "grey90",
      size.major = 0.2

3.2 Plot standard

Now let’s plot the standard:

plot.std <- function(semilog = FALSE) {
  p <- ggplot(data = standard) +
      palette = "Set1",
      labels = paste("Replicate", seq(n.repl.std)),
      guide = guide_legend(title = "")
    ) +
      limits = c(min.absorb, max.absorb + 0.1 * max.absorb)
    ) +
      yintercept = mean(blanks$blank),
      lty = 2,
      color = "grey60",
      lwd = 0.2
    ) +

  if (semilog == TRUE) {
    p <- p + geom_point(aes(concentration, absorbance, color = replicate), alpha = 0.6) +
        x = "Relative concentration",
        y = "Absorbance (a. u.)",
        title = "IgG in standard serum"
      ) +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = concentrations, labels = scales::percent, trans = "log2") +
        label = "Blank",
        x = max(standard$concentration) - 0.05 * max(standard$concentration),
        y = max(blanks$blank) + 20 * max(blanks$blank),
        size = 3.5,
        color = "grey50"
  else {
    p <- p + geom_point(
      aes(concentration, absorbance, color = replicate),
      alpha = 0.6
    ) +
        x = "Relative concentration",
        y = "Absorbance (a.u.)",
        title = "IgG in standard serum"
      ) +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = round(concentrations,1),
                         labels = scales::percent) +
        label = "Blank",
        x = max(standard$concentration) - 0.05 * max(standard$concentration),
        y = max(blanks$blank) + 0.2 * max(blanks$blank),
        size = 3.5,
        color = "grey50"

We see that the concentration of the dilution series is on a logarithmic scale. Let’s replot the results with \(\log_2\)-transformed concentrations (\(\log_2\) for a dilution factor of 2):

plot.std(semilog = TRUE)

3.3 Plot biological samples

Now let’s have a look at our actual data. We measured IgG in serum of four donors on five different time points. We first define a plot for our biological samples and then plot it together with the standard curve to have a better overview.

# Select biological samples
ID.selected <- c("AB1981", "CD1982", "EF1983", "GH1984")
donors.av <- donors.av %>% dplyr::mutate(ID = rep(ID.selected, each = 5))
## # A tibble: 20 x 4
##    donor  time absorbance.av ID    
##    <fct> <int>         <dbl> <chr> 
##  1 1         0         0.336 AB1981
##  2 1         7         0.596 AB1981
##  3 1        30         0.710 AB1981
##  4 1        60         0.804 AB1981
##  5 1       180         0.482 AB1981
##  6 2         0         0.534 CD1982
##  7 2         7         0.729 CD1982
##  8 2        30         0.825 CD1982
##  9 2        60         0.790 CD1982
## 10 2       180         0.660 CD1982
## 11 3         0         0.347 EF1983
## 12 3         7         1.25  EF1983
## 13 3        30         0.837 EF1983
## 14 3        60         0.768 EF1983
## 15 3       180         0.563 EF1983
## 16 4         0         0.932 GH1984
## 17 4         7         1.17  GH1984
## 18 4        30         1.01  GH1984
## 19 4        60         0.845 GH1984
## 20 4       180         0.950 GH1984
plot.donors <- ggplot() +
    geom_point(data = donors.av, 
      aes(time, absorbance.av, color = donor), alpha = 0.7) +
    geom_line(data = donors.av, 
      aes(time, absorbance.av, group = donor, color = donor), alpha = 0.6, lwd = 0.5) +
      x = "Days after vaccination", y = "Absorbance (a. u.)",
      title = "[Illustrative example] IgG in serum after vaccination"
    ) +
      begin = 0.2, end = 0.8, discrete = TRUE,
      labels = paste("Donor", seq(n.donors)), guide = guide_legend(title = "")
    ) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(min.absorb, max.absorb + 0.1 * max.absorb)) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = tpoints) +
      yintercept = mean(blanks$blank),
      lty = 2, color = "grey60", lwd = 0.2
    ) +
      label = "Blank",
      x = max(donors$time) - 0.1 * max(donors$time),
      y = max(blanks$blank) + 20 * max(blanks$blank),
      size = 3.5, color = "grey50"
    ) +
      major = "yx", minor = "", colour.major = "grey90", size.major = 0.2
    ) +

3.4 Combine plots

plot_grid(plot.std(semilog = TRUE), plot.donors, ncol = 1)